Friday 15 August 2014

Part 3

Rainy Stories (Part 3)
Painful but I survived,
Regretful but I tried,
Foolish but I learnt.

I foolishly thought we could be friends, even though we cannot be together. I dont know why am i yearning for your friendship, but now, after finding out what you really think, I guess theres no point perservering on anymore. Life between ourselves and someone else, can be described as a glass cup. When life's good, the glass cup will shine ever so brightly, all its smooth curves and perfect edges will shimmer under the sun. When life's on the down side for both of them, the glass cup which they 'built' will immediately be focused on the little little scratches among the perfections seen, and slowly the scratches will become permanent deep cuts, which causes the glass cup to crack, and nothing, nothing can fix it back. Nothing can mend it back, and all its left will be shards of glass, memories given to each other before the cuts were noticed.
Its impossible to mend a broken glass cup, just like how it is impossible to mend a broken relationship. Its impossible to start from square one, to just become a normal, unpolished glass cup, since all the remains of it are just sharp, shards of glass.

Perhaps you were the wrong glass piece, perhaps i was the wrong glass piece, despite us being so shiny and perfect for a while, we will never know. And now, the only thing that will help, is to clear up the broken pieces of glass, and sweep it under the carpet, like the good memories didnt exist before. Im glad to see your part of the broken glass pieces are still shiny and polished, unlike mine, which is filled with scratches and unpolished surfaces.

<Perhaps the end of this story content>

Thursday 14 August 2014

Part 2

Rainy Stories (Part 2)
So the picture with him i was talking about yesterday, well, it almost came. Almost. I could've, we could've, but its all due to one thing, called courage. Im really sorry for today, and i hate myself for running away.
I wanted to look at you in the eye and talk, and just take that darn photo which i really really want, and perhaps even talk on whatsapp after we take the photo.
But I guess I was too timid, too shy, too afraid that you would not care, and that your unintentional (perhaps intentional) slow reply would make me feel that I am annoying you, and I'm not worth your time at all. Or that you treat me less than what I want you to, and that I'm worth much much lesser than your friends, and it hurts so much to even think about it. But its time to get used to it. Used to everything, used to how cruel society can be. Im sad, and tears will somehow flow when i listen to sad songs while walking home. It hurts, memories hurt, but i guess all we can do is to suck it all up.
Indeed, im realising that i am missing you, perhaps only a little, perhaps a lot, but till the end, i really wonder when will i stop missing you. Time passes so slow now while im waiting for your reply, and it just sucks. Praying everyday that you will live each day happily and one day, perhaps you may find your right puzzle piece, one whose shape wont change and stay with you forever. I hope i can let you go again, soon.

Part 1

Rainy Stories (Part One)
About Me: I am Rainy, a girl who is extremely emo when coming to some situations. Although I'm only fifteen years old this year, I had an ex-boyfriend, an ex whom I still hold close to my heart.
We got together on the 26th last year, and because of my ex's parents disapproval of us being together, I broke up with him 6 months later. "Good things dont last", but the 6 months were my happiest moments of my 14 year old life, despite the painful breakup period. After a few months, I thought that I would be able to let my ex go. However, I just realised this year that I really wanted my ex as a friend, a good friend. I wasnt sure if my ex was okay with it, and started losing confidence, and felt that I was disturbing him. Also, I am afraid to write letters to him, living with the fear that his mom will see it, and problems will brew again. I'm now at a complete loss, and the photo whom we promised to take together, never came. I came across my cousin's blog, and felt that it was extremely relatable to how I feel about my ex, and wrote an extract in my diary: "Maybe you were the wrong puzzle piece, maybe i was the wrong puzzle piece; we will never know. But someday somehow, should our puzzle piece take on a new shape, will we try to fit it in again?" I started wondering and wondering, but came to no conclusion. Perhaps the best way is to wait, and hope that my ex will be happy everyday & of course, I hope that the awkwardness between us will dissolve, and start being good friends again, though we can probably not get back together again in the near future.